PEACEFUL CO-EXISTENCE FOR POSITIVE DEVELOPMENT: THE WAY FORWARD ”There is a right time for everything that we do under the sun. A time for.....” so says the preacherman in Ecclesiastes 3:1. Of importance to us as a people are the sentences used in verses 7 and 8 of the same chapter. ”There is a time to tear something down. And there is a time to mend it. There is a time to be quiet. And there is a time to speak. There is a time to love. And there is a time to hate. There is a time to fight. And there is a time not to fight.” It is the revelation of this word that drew my attention to all that happened to us as a people in the last few months confirming that we were perfectly in the will of God and that we acted not in err. Of a truth, the time for tearing apart came and we made good use of it; the time for hatred came, we did our best. However, those times could not have lasted forever as it gave way for the time wherein we are: The time to mend, the time to speak out and ...